
Espresso Detective All-New No.4 plus Issues 1-3 Relaunch

Created by Eric Erdek

Sexy Noir Horror Comic with a Kick! Detective Sanchez is back to battle depression, slavers & Lovecraftian fiends with style & espresso

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Comics Are HERE!
10 months ago – Fri, Jan 05, 2024 at 07:20:26 PM

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Delay :-(
10 months ago – Tue, Jan 02, 2024 at 01:24:41 PM

Dear Backers,

I've been dreading this update... I had everything ready to ship, just needed issue 4 to arrive from the printer. 

Aaaaand, they forgot to ship it.

It just sat there all through the holidays in their warehouse. No apology, no discount, just arriving late. 

So, I'm sorry, Espresso Detective won't ship out until Jan, 2024. 

The boxes from printer are on their way, I have a tracking number and it claims it will arrive Jan 8th... two weeks late.

The Printer is called Comic Impression if anyone is curious. They also laid the comic out with a page out of order, they put page 6 after page 9. That also caused I delay (lucky I caught it) and it took time for them to fix it.

Sorry I let you down. :-( I'll try to account for this kind of stuff more in the future.

-Always in your corner-

Eric Erdek

Espresso Detective Holiday Update!
10 months ago – Mon, Dec 18, 2023 at 05:43:58 PM

Happy holidays! 

I already got my favorite present... your support of the Espresso Detective Comic!

Issue 4 is on it's way. The printer said he's shipped the boxes to me. :-)

I on my end, I've have prepped all the sturdy, Gemini mailers, compiled and printed up the packing lists, and am packing all the stuff I already have, like issues 1, 2 and 3, patches, etc.

So as soon as the new comics arrive I'll toss those in the prepared, stamped mailers and get them out the door to you!

Hope you have a great season, thank you so much for taking this epic journey with us, and I can't wait for you to read issue 4! 

So far the reactions from fans that read the digital versions have been outrageous! 

One great guy said he laughed so hard at one panel that he sprayed and had to wipe his screen off before he could continue.

 Another laughed so hard that he fell off his chair and scared his cat! 

But its not all big laughs, it's a sexy, horrible, fun house ride of non-stop action! 

-Always in your corner-


Espresso Detective Digital Rewards links!
11 months ago – Tue, Dec 05, 2023 at 03:28:32 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

These are the Digital Rewards Links! Espresso Detective
11 months ago – Tue, Dec 05, 2023 at 03:26:23 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.