
Espresso Detective All-New No.4 plus Issues 1-3 Relaunch

Created by Eric Erdek

Sexy Noir Horror Comic with a Kick! Detective Sanchez is back to battle depression, slavers & Lovecraftian fiends with style & espresso

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping fixed and Thanksgiving
11 months ago – Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 12:18:50 PM


So the good news is that the comic is totally finished and ready to print! 

Getting some final quotes and samples from printers, we are on track for the promised December Shipping deadline. :-)

Shipping rate problems: Some cool backers let me know there was a problem in the Backerkit survey concerning the shipping. Especially outside the USA. We fixed it! So now anyone that payed extra shipping will get it credited back, and those waiting to fill out the survey should be able to without getting hit with extra shipping.

 So sorry about that, wish I could de free shipping everywhere but it's just too expensive overseas!

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm very grateful for everyone that reads the Espresso Detective comic! (and so much more) I shall sacrifice a great bird in your honor and give him to the flames at 350 degrees! :-)

-Always in your corner-


12 months ago – Mon, Nov 06, 2023 at 05:42:49 PM


The smoke-test survey preview has been sent out to a lucky few, and 50% have responded already! :-) These guys are great because they get first peek and can give feed-back on any survey mistakes.

I'll be sending out the corrected surveys as soon ass all the smoke ones get in!

In other news:

I really was not happy with the standard cover for issue 4... this one:

So I went back to the drawing boards and made this one! I'm really excited about it but want your feedback. Yeah or nay?

Get an eyefull of Extras in the Espresso Detective Backerkit Survey this Monday
12 months ago – Fri, Nov 03, 2023 at 02:26:00 PM

Hey Espresso Cool-Cats,

Lock and load for some dynamite news! The art and lettering for Espresso Detective are done and dusted, and we're revving up to fling the final files to our printer sidekicks. It's coming together hotter than a double shot on a cold morning!

The Kickstarter loot has landed in the bank, and we're gearing up to roll out the Espresso Detective Backerkit Shipping Survey come MONDAY, November 6, 2023!

Here's the skinny: we need your digs and dets to drop your goods, plus any swanky extras you snagged during our Espresso Kickstarter escapade.


Your Backerkit checkout is gonna shine with any Kickstarter ADD-ON EXTRAS. Missed out before? No sweat—jack up your pledge or grab those EXCLUSIVES via the survey! (Issue 3 variants covers too!)

Set your alarms: Monday morn, the Espresso Detective Kickstarter Survey, brought to you by the wizards at Backerkit, hits your inbox. Speed through that bad boy quick-style to make sure your loot lands on your doorstep pronto.

No BackerKit account? No problemo. Just punch the link in the email, let us know your picks, spill your shipping deets, and maybe treat yourself to a few more treasures. 

Hang tight for the survey bat-signal—it's coming atcha soon!

*Heads up: A lucky 5% of you detectives will get early access to our "smoke test" survey. If you're the chosen few, dive in quick and help us iron out the kinks.

Eyes peeled, detectives. 

This Monday, it's game time! 🕵️‍♂️💨

-Always in your corner-


BackerKit surveys are coming!
12 months ago – Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 07:19:06 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Espresso Detective Update: Progress Report.
about 1 year ago – Wed, Oct 04, 2023 at 10:30:26 PM

Hi, you wonderful backers!

Just a quick note to let you know that things are on track for the Dec 2023 shipping goal.

I'm finishing some last coloring and lettering, and it's going really well :-) I've been averaging a page colored per day! That's much faster than I was in the past. Thank you again for being a part of The Espresso Detective Comic! I'll give another update, probably when the book is ready to go to the printer.

Your job? Well... just keep being your bad-ass self!!

-Always in your corner- 


PS There is one more thing to share, my creator buddy, Emmy nominated Robert Krisch has his latest campaign going, Here are my thoughts on it:

A Riotous, Heartwarming Haunt-fest!"Turner Family Terrors"  "Just Plain Fun, Original and Masterfully Done. Exactly what an indie comic should be!"

 Click here to see campaign.

In the eclectic and electric pages of "Turner Family Terrors" (issues 1-3), we're taken on a wild, supernatural ride with a family that’s as dysfunctional and delightful as they come!

The comic cleverly intertwines moments of monster fun with unexpected bursts of laughter and heartfelt family interactions. It's rare to find a comic that so smoothly balances the scales between the frightful and the funny, while never losing sight of the genuine emotions that anchor us to the characters. Each member of the Turner family, with their lovable quirks and palpable bonds, navigates through the ghostly chaos with a relatability that is both endearing and wildly entertaining.

Every page of issues 1-3 has been a visual and emotional feast. "Turner Family Terrors" doesn’t just tell a story; it welcomes you into a magnificently mad world that you’re reluctant to leave. Heart, horror, and humor harmoniously collide in this spellbinding comic, making it a standout in the realm of indie comics. Can’t wait for the next issue to drop and further dive into the enthralling chaos that is the Turner family and I hope you check it out too!